Leica EM TRIM2

The Leica EM TRIM2 is a high speed milling system with integrated stereomicroscope and LED ring illuminator for trimming of biological and industrial samples prior to ultramicrotomy.

The Leica TRIM2 features a 1µm feed control for the milling cutter, perpendicular viewing of the embedded sample to determine position for accurate milling, and a superior extraction system with Hepa filter.


Leica EM TRIM2

Sample preparation


The Leica EM TRIM2 is a high speed milling system with integrated stereomicroscope and LED ring illuminator for trimming of biological and industrial samples prior to ultramicrotomy.

The Leica TRIM2 features a 1µm feed control for the milling cutter, perpendicular viewing of the embedded sample to determine position for accurate milling, and a superior extraction system with Hepa filter.


Safer environment for the user
Miller is located under a protective cover and the instrument will not operate unless the cover is closed providing a silent and safer environment for the user during milling.

Stereomicroscope with ring LED illumination
Stereomicroscope with ring LED illumination provides clear observation during milling of the sample avoiding loss of sample information.

Perpendicular viewing
Perpendicular viewing of the sample means the user does not need to remove the sample for distance estimation, saving time during the trimming procedure.





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